Friday, January 28, 2011

Nightmare Update

I've had vivid dreams every night. A lot of them being nightmares but yet I don't feel like writing them down here? I think I'm just being lazy.
Anyway, I thought I'd write about last night's dream because it was so vivid and awesome that I actually can still feel the chills from it. (Although for some reason, I feel like I'm missing a whole bunch of stuff that is potentially really scary because I feel scared for no reason).
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We were in front of lots of tables. Tables that had candles and etc. I was able to either strengthen that flame or extinguish it. It was like, I had just learnt how to manipulate the flames. 
(I guess in a way, this relates with The Last Airbender)
I don't remember what else happened apart from I was able to do a lot of things (via magic). 
I still have a creepy feeling that something or someone bad was going to happen though. :\
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Quick Update on those dreams that I never wrote about:

#1 Have you seen the movie "Saw" ? Because that's what happened in this.
There was a man, who was kidnapped. He was in a huge warehouse with a lot of other men who were all trapped. They were forced to do impossible tasks with chains and hooks and nails everywhere. And in the end of the day, they were all chained to a cage. And a whole bunch of "hungry" people came out and try to attack them. They were chained but they were forced to fight back and kill. This guy eventually escaped via the help of his 7 year old son.

#2 It was kind of like a school-camp trip. Only this trip was within a game.
Pretty much like a Mario game, sort of thing, yeah? But it was also like Uni. We were sitting in a lecture when Vu strolled in and sat beside me. And then the lights all went off. The building shook. In a flash, we saw Shinigami-sama (from Soul Eater anime/manga) get swallowed by a huge robot thing. And in the process, that monster was teleported to us. We were all in a frenzy and in the process, I lost Vu. I managed to find a safe room where this "game overlay" didn't control over. And a bunch of us hid there. Except, Vu was still not there with me. I called him but he was in the same area as that monster-thing and was finding it hard to find an escape route. :( I cried and cried saying I had to disable to the overlay but if he wasn't in the room, he'd vanish too. I woke up.

Hey it turns out I can't remember anything else which I should be thankful for since they were all bad enough for me to call Vu with tears ;-;